Hoosier Surveyor
A Quarterly Publication of the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors, Inc.
The Hoosier Surveyor is published quarterly by the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors to inform land surveyors and related professions, government officials, educational institutions, libraries, contractors, suppliers and associated businesses and industries about land surveying affairs.
Articles and columns appearing in this publication do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of ISPLS or the Hoosier Surveyor staff, but are published as a service to its members, the general public and for the betterment of the surveying profession. No responsibility is assumed for errors, misquotes or deletions as to its contents.
Deadlines for copy for various planned issues of the Hoosier Surveyor are as follows: Winter – February 1; Spring – May 1; Summer – August 1; Fall – November 1.
Michael J. Davis, Editor
4310 Broadway St.
Indianapolis, IN 46205
(317) 283-4630
Editorial Advertising Offices
3502 Woodview Trace, Ste. 300
Indianapolis, IN 46268
(317) 454-8309