PS Exam Review Course

Our on-demand review course include 11 modules to help individuals that have applied for examination to become an Indiana Professional Surveyor an opportunity to have a general review of the materials that may be encountered on the national and state specific examinations.

Module 1: Introduction Session
Module 2: Indiana History
Module 3: GLO, USPLS, and Tiffins Instructions
Module 4: Indiana Law Related to Land Surveying
Module 5: Legal Descriptions
Module 6: Unwritten Rights
Module 7: Sequential and Simultaneous Conveyances
Module 8: Title 865 IAC 1-12 – Rule 12
Module 9: Title 865 IAC 1-10 – Rules of Professional Conduct
Module 10: ALTA NSPS Land Title Surveys
Module 11: Site Planning and Design

Exam review is now offered as an on-demand video series available for purchase in the ISPLS store.

Indiana’s Professional Licensing Agency offers a full checklist of the licensing process on their website. Check it out to make sure you have all your materials ready to go.