2024 ISPLS Board of Directors

(back row: Jessica Hess, Carol Morman, Ryan Selby, Vincent Barr, Eric Meeks, Steve Maxwell;
front row: Alex Daugherty, Jacob Hoffman, Ryan Swingley, Rich Hudson, Don Williams, Zach Beasley)


Ryan Selby


Don Williams

Vice President

Alex Daugherty


Vincent Barr

Past President

Rich Hudson


Jacob Hoffman


Term Expires January 2025
Term Expires January 2026
Term Expires January 2027
Vincent Barr
Steve Maxwell
Carol Morman
Don Williams
Jessica Hess
Jacob Hoffman
Ryan Selby
Ryan Swingley
Zach Beasley
Alex Daugherty
Rich Hudson
Eric Meeks

Committee Chairs


Convention Oversight
Ryan Swingley

Carol Morman

Government Affairs
Gary Kent

Hoosier Surveyor
Mike Davis

Ryan Swingley

Past President’s Council
Vince Barr

Ryan Selby

Jon Polson

Trig Star
Tony Gregory

Workforce Development
Rodney Kelly

Young Surveyors Network
Dugan Kippenbrock


Aaron Blank

Board of Registration
Jacob Hoffman

County Surveyors
Zach Beasley
David Gaston

Geodetic Control Workgroup
Eric Banschbach

Bryan Catlin

Vincent Barr

Indiana NSPS Director
Tony Gregory
Ryan Swingley, alternate
Don Williams, alternate


Brian Lewis, CAE, CVA

Executive Director

317-328-4569 ext 306

Jessica MacMillan

Membership Coordinator

317-328-4569 ext 158

Katie Anderson

Communications Coordinator

317-328-4569 ext 189

Past Presidents of ISPLS

W.J. Boatright, pro tem, 1953 
S.D. Brownsten, 1954 
S.D. Brownsten, 1955
A.F. Buerkle, 1956
A.F. Buerkle, 1957
George A. Crowder, 1958
George A. Crowder, 1959
C.B. Wood, 1960
James E. Dankert, 1961
Owen C. Smith, 1962
Nelson L. Prall, 1963
Alfred L. Forgey, 1964
H. Tom Kirk, 1965
Joseph W. Jacobi, 1966
M. Neil Franklin, 1967
John Beals, 1968
Robert B. Kelker, 1969
Donald E. Cochran, 1970
Gene W. Darnall, 1971
Rex M. Bowman, 1972
Wesley L. Day, 1973
John G. McEntyre, 1974
William S. Tanke, 1975
Brian M. Dickerson, 1976
John V. Schneider, 1977

Roger W. Woodfill, 1978
Orwic A. Johnson, 1979
Charles A. Budnick, 1980
David K. Wolf, 1981
John W. Whitlock, 1982
Kenneth Curtis, Honorary President Emeritus, 1982
Julian “Jud” Rouch, 1983
Jacob E. Hall, 1984 
Robert B. Bigelow, 1985
Patrick Cunningham, 1986
E. Donald Bengel, 1987 
John V. Schneider, 1988
Gary R. Kent, 1989 
Roger W. Woodfill, 1990
Ross O. Holloway, 1991 
Randolph A. Sexton, 1992
Douglas K. Herendeen, 1993 
Christian F. Marbach, 1994
E.R. Gray, III, 1995
Richard L. Hudson, 1996
Perry D. Cloyd, 1997
Richard H. Miller, 1998
Daniel R. Woo, 1999
Les Weber, 2000 
Anthony Gregory, 2001

William Clark, 2002 
Greg Garrison, 2003
John Stephens, 2004
Ronald Wharry, 2005
Frank Ballintyn, 2006
Edward Sweetland, 2007
Mark Isaacs, 2008
Daniel Kovert, 2009
Jim Tibbett, 2010
Charles “Chuck” Coyle, Jr., 2011
Gary R. Kent, 2012
Charles “Chuck” Coyle, Jr., 2013
Donald West, 2014
Bernie Guerrettaz, 2015
Richard L. Hudson, 2016
Bryan F. Catlin, 2017
Ryan C. Swingley, 2018
Todd R. Bauer, 2019
Eric N. Banschbach, 2020
Norman H. Hiselman, 2021
Eric L. Meeks, 2022
Vincent J. Barr, 2023
Ryan A. Selby, 2024